Most Essential website design development Options That You Need to Follow

Most Essential website design development Options That You Need to Follow

Generally, the construction phases of a website can be summarized in “4D”: define, design, develop and deploy. With define we mean the definition of objectives and typologies and the definition of an expense budget, essential for defining the technical specifications digital marketing agency malaysia. By design we mean everything related to the structure and graphic aspect of the site, which must be user-friendly and graphically accurate.

With develop we mean the actual design and development phase, more or less complex depending on whether you opt for a Proprietary CMS or an Open Source one.

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With deploy we mean, trivially, everything that concerns the management of the site: follow the updating, the traffic, manage the promotion and marketing. You need to keep this in mind for website design development.

For simplicity, we will reorganize the speech into three basic phases: design, development One Search Pro, website management and performance monitoring.

Phase 1: Website design

Before proceeding with the design of the site, there are three fundamental elements to be defined: type of site and objectives, specific technical requirements, graphics and design.

Definition of the type of site

In order to start the design, it is first necessary to define the type of website and the message you want to communicate, the objective of the website. Trivially, there are three types:

Landing page, i.e. a website generally consisting of a single page, designed to promote a specific action. It is, trivially, a very simple site, with an essential structure, usually containing a simple plug in for data collection. It is generally associated with a dedicated digital marketing campaign and is used, for example, in the case of particular promotions, launches of new products or services, or more simply used for generating contacts for the newsletter.

A generic company site, consisting of several pages, more complex than the single Landing Page must still be present within the site but less structured than an e-commerce site. It is generally used to promote various actions and is suitable for increasing brand awareness and for carrying out a mainly informative function.

An e-Commerce site, used for the online sale of products and services, more complex than a generic site as it is structured on several levels and enriched with all the functions necessary for the sale: not only does it have multiple category pages, subcategories and many product pages, but it must also include adequate structure and plug-ins for managing orders, reservations, payments, reviews, customer service and much more.

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Definition of any technical requirements

Once the objectives and types have been defined, it is necessary to think about any technical requirements and special requests to be met in the event of special needs or for the performance of specific functions, such as the automation of certain functions, import of products, presence of a CRM integrated into the ERP.

Definition of graphics and design

Once defined also by technical requirements, you can switch to the lighter, defining graphics and design of the site. In this sense, it is essential to keep elements coherent with the image and personality of the brand as much as possible, remembering that it is, above all, a company showcase.

In defining a graphic line, it should also be borne in mind that the same consistency must be maintained between the various pages of the site, which, in order not to generate confusion during navigation, must have the same style.